Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!!
Please join all of us to celebrate the Birthday of Bhagat Puran Singh Ji on this Sunday, 05Jun2016 in Sikh Gurdwara DC. Also, we will remember and pay tribute to all martyrs of Chota Ghallughara (lesser holocaust).
Bhai Puran Singh Ji (June 4, 1904 – August 5, 1992) was born in Rajewal (Rohno) Ludhiana district, Punjab. Born into a Hindu family, he was given the name Ramjidas as a child. Later, while still a child, he chose to become a Sikh. He was greatly inspired by the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and the Sikh Gurus. Though he never finished his basic schooling, he became a writer, a (self) publisher, an environmentalist, and a philanthropist. He is perhaps best remembered for the home he founded in Amritsar, India, named Pingalwara, a home which long after his death, is still tending to the castaways of society: the sick, disabled and abandoned forlorn people.
As a young man he decided to dedicate his life to the ‘selfless service of humanity‘. He founded Pingalwara in 1947 with only a few patients, the neglected and rejected of the streets of Amritsar. An early advocate of what we today refer to as the ‘Green Revolution’, Bhagat Puran Singh was spreading awareness about environmental pollution, and increasing soil erosion long before such ideas became popular. Pamphlets with his writings on various subjects, such as environmental awareness, were printed on re-used paper and freely distributed.
He was honored in 1979 by the Government of India with the Padma Shri award, given for exceptional and distinguished service in any field.

Remember martyrs of Chota Ghallughara:
In order to avenge the death of his brother, Diwan Lakhpat Rai had got all the Sikhs of Lahore executed by scavengers on the 10th March, 1746 AD after that he marched with an army of fifty thousand, including artillery, to wipe out the Sikhs. At that time, about Fifteen thousand Sikhs had taken shelter in the marshes of the river Ravi near the pool of Kahnuwan in Gurdaspur District about 20 kms North west of current day Gurdaspur. The forces of Lakhpat Rai besieged the marshes and began pounding the area with his cannons. Massively outgunned and with no artillery themselves, the Sikhs headed for the safety of the hills, as their attackers moved in pursuit. What rations, the Sikhs had, were soon finished, so whenever they found an opportunity, the Sikhs robbed the army of rations and weapons. In ‘guerilla’ style warfare they attacked and disappeared, keeping the royal army off balance.
Program Schedule
Asa di vaar – 8:00 am to 10:00 am
Sukhmani Sahib – 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Kirtan by Sangat – 11:00 am to 11:45 am
Kirtan by Bhai Surinder Singh ji – 11:45 am to 1:15 pm
Langar – 1:30 pm
NOTE: There is ample amount of free parking on Sunday in DC next to Gurdwara Sahib and also in parking lot in basement.